Daily Archives: June 5, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday: Overwhelmed

Today I am sitting here in absolute awe of the amazing community of people we have met through our childbirth classes.  We just received and collected over 400 ounces of breastmilk from five different mothers.

THIS mama has been in the hospital for several days, and she needs to pump and dump due to the medications she is on.  Her doula was able to collect milk for the first few days of her hospital stay.  When I made the delivery today, they were literally down to the last bag of breastmilk.

God is good, He provides, and He Has Humbled me.  I need to be more grateful for the amazing people he has placed in our path, and for our incredible health that allows me the ability to breastfeed without giving it a second thought.

So, please, if you are in a position where breastfeeding is not an option, please keep in mind that you can supplement with donor milk.  There are two organizations dedicated to connecting mothers who can give to mothers who need – check out Eats on Feets or Human Milk 4 Human Babies to see which one has networking groups in your area.

If you have enough supply, and you have it in your heart to add a pumping session to your day, your precious milk would definitely be appreciated by a mother in need near you.  Eats on Feets has also created donation/recipient screening guidelines – check them out HERE.

Great news – it sounds like Mama is coming home sooner than later.  I am thrilled that she has a stash of milk. It may give her peace of mind that baby is getting breastmilk while she rebuilds her own supply, and allows herself the time she needs to heal so she makes a complete and full recovery.

Cooler full of milk - 400+ ounces for a MotherBaby who couldn't breastfeed due to a hospitalization.

Cooler full of milk – 400+ ounces for a MotherBaby who couldn’t breastfeed due to a hospitalization.

Thank you gifts for all these amazing women - to be enjoyed by their Sweet Peas :)

Thank you gifts for all these amazing women – to be enjoyed by their Sweet Peas 🙂